Football players in huddle

Equality, Diversity and Inclusion

Football is a game For All

Football is a Game For All 

The FA and the County FAs work to ensure everyone has the opportunity to be part of the game and that all involved in football have a great experience, regardless of gender, sexuality, ethnicity, ability or disability, faith or age.

Our efforts are underpinned by three principles of change:

  • ensuring governance and leadership is diverse and modern
  • removing any obstacles to access and progression in coaching, talent development or personal development pathways
  • enshrining equality, diversity and inclusion in our day to day operations

We have made significant progress towards adherence to the Government’s code for governance in sport, which has seen the establishment of a Diversity and Inclusion Action Plan that has helped to ensure our organisation is run to the highest possible standard. We also look to make a difference by supporting leadership programmes for those from under represented groups 

We will also examine pathways and promote inclusion and access for coaches, welfare officers, club officials, league officials, players, coaches and tutors; and we will challenge ourselves with measurable targets that deliver on diversity and inclusion outcomes. We will also work with a variety of stakeholders on topics such as mental health, domestic violence and radicalisation to help ensure that people feel safe and included in football.

Meanwhile, there also many national programmes across football which support our aims in relation to inclusion. From ambitious plans to further develop disability football; an Asian Inclusion Strategy; to the women and girls strategy ‘Inspiring Positive Change’ which aims to give female players equal access; we continue to work to encourage football across different faiths and communities. 


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Hertfordshire FA is proud to have achieved the Foundation Level of the Equality Standard for Sport in 2023. This demonstrates our clear commitment to equality as an organisation and we are currently working towards the Preliminary Level with the aim of achieving this in 2024. 

Equality Standard
A promotional cover image of our public facing Diversity and Inclusion Action Plan document

Diversity and Inclusion Action Plan

Our Diversity and Inclusion Action Plan (DIAP) demonstrates our commitment to delivering on our EDI work and highlights how this is at the heart of our organisational strategy and embedded throughout every area of The Association.

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Football is For All


Our Inclusion Advisory Group (IAG) has been set up to engage more individuals from under-represented groups into all roles in football. Our IAG provides ideas and support on our main areas of focus in delivery and plays an important role in influencing how we, as the County Football Association, make decisions for the good of the local game.


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