Tackling Mental Health Issues
How Football Can Support Better Mental Health
It's OK not to be OK
Encouraging people to talk more about Mental Health
We’re all facing different challenges, stresses and pressures, but it’s important to remember that whatever you’re going through and however it’s making you feel, it’s okay to talk about it. This can often be an important first step in helping you feel better.
The FA’s charity partners and other mental health charities in the UK are here for you and ready to give you the support and guidance you might need.
Need Help Urgently?
If you need immediate support with a mental health issue, you can text HeadsUp to 85258 at any time.
It’s a 24/7 service and will connect you with a trained crisis volunteer.
Let's Help Change the Game on Mental Health
The Heads Up campaign aims to ensure that people feel comfortable with their everyday mental wellbeing, are able to support their friends and families through difficult times, and that stigma no longer prevents people getting the help they need.
More About Heads UpFA Partners
Heads Together
How Football Can Make a Positive Impact
We believe that playing football is not only great for physical health and fitness, but it can also improve mental wellbeing. Everyone has a level of mental health, exactly as they do their physical health and we think that it’s time for everyone to pay as much attention to their mental fitness as their physical fitness.
Those involved in football are in an excellent position to help maintain and improve their own and others mental health and are probably already doing this without knowing it. That’s because we know being active has a positive impact on mental health. Mental health is also better when you have a support network around you such as friends, colleagues and teammates – which football provides.
One in four adults in England will experience a mental health problem every year. That means approximately four million people within the football community may experience mental health problems in the next 12 months. In turn, it also means if we can improve the mental health of the football community we will be significantly contributing to the mental health of the nation.
The FA’s have produced guidance for Coaches of Adult teams on how to support the mental well-being of their players and also for Referees which can be downloaded below.
Online Learning
Understanding and supporting mental health could save lives. Making a difference can be easier than you might think. England Football have produced a one-page module to give key information as simply as possible.
Mental Health Guidance
The FA have produced a handbook which advises coaches and managers in adult football clubs on how to support the mental well-being of their players.
Mental Health Guidance
The FA have produced a handbook which advises referees and those who support them on how to support the mental well-being of match officials.