11v11 Football in Hertfordshire - Find a local football club to play the beautiful game


Hertfordshire FA Sanctioned Leagues

Grassroots Leagues in Hertfordshire

Leagues provide organised football to players of all ages and abilities

Leagues play a vital role in the organisation of grassroots football, providing a safe and structured environment for competition that allows everyone connected with the game to enjoy participating on a regular basis.

In Hertfordshire each league is an independent organisation controlled by their member clubs. Leagues have to be sanctioned by their local County FA however, meaning we are responsible for ensuring they have appropriate rules and that they administer their competitions in accordance with them. 

We maintain a close working relationship with all league officials and volunteers, acting as a first point of contact for help and advice and identifying areas where we can provide support to help with their development.

If you are a new club looking for somewhere to play, or just want to know more about the different leagues operating in the county, further details of the leagues sanctioned by Hertfordshire FA can be found below.

Adult Saturday Leagues
Secretary: Scott Patmore
Phone: 07768 606481

League Rules

Secretary: Tony Hobbs

Phone: 07796 091516

Email: tonyhobbs1962@gmail.com

League Tables

League Rules

Adult Sunday LEagues

Secretary: Keith Hicks

Phone: 07767 430087

Email: keith55hicks@gmail.com

League Tables

League Rules

Secretary: Mary Hickford

Tel:  07795 461644

Email: runcie2004@yahoo.co.uk

League Tables

League Rules

Secretary: Alex Clayton

Phone: 07951 821719

Email: alex@philipalexander.net

League Tables

League Rules

Secretary: Mark Sutton

Phone: 07923 449206

Email: mrmisut9@gmail.com

League Tables

League Rules

Secretary: Robert Cleverly

Phone: 07966 237256

Email: bob.cleverly@ntlworld.com

League Tables

League Rules

Secretary: Rodney Northwood

Phone: 07770 925882

Email: rodneynorthwood@live.co.uk

League Tables

League Rules

Secretary: David Moxon

Phone: 07704 951025

Email: wsflinfo@gmail.com

League Tables

League Rules

Youth Leagues

Secretary: Zoe Watson

Phone: 07866 445500

Email: league.secretary@hgfpl.com

League Tables

League Rules

Secretary: Piers Hudson

Phone: 07752 847914

Email: piers_hudson@hotmail.com

League Rules


Secretary: Andy Ellis

Phone: 07530 612366

Email: andrewwwfc@gmail.com

League Tables

League Rules

Secretary: Rob Kelly

Phone: 07305 026881

Email: general.secretary@midherts.com

League Website

League Rules

Secretary: Rachel Clowery

Phone: 07523 457723

Email: rachaelclowery@rcyfl.co.uk

League Tables

League Rules

Secretary: Adam Rynhold

Phone: 07956 143291

Email: arynhold@googlemail.com

League Tables

League Rules

Secretary: Tracy Hudson

Phone: 07961 585697

Email: secretary@wfl.me.uk

League Tables

League Rules

Secretary: Michael Ivory

Phone: 07592 501371

Email: secretary@whyl.co.uk

League Tables

League Rules

Small Sided/Flexi Leagues

Secretary: Vanessa Hernandez

Phone: 07970 557585

Email: hertswwfl@gmail.com

League Rules


Phone: 07535 556677

Email: info@ultimatefootball.co.uk


Wheelchair Football

Secretary: Adam McEvoy

Phone: 07792 758444

Email: adam.mcevoy@thewfa.org.uk

League Tables

League Rules

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