Young Children Playing Football

Keeping Football Safe and Enjoyable

We are currently carrying out Safeguarding Compliance Visits at clubs across Hertfordshire

The safety and welfare of young people is paramount to us, so we are constantly working to ensure that every child has a positive experience playing the game

As part of our efforts to keep football safe and enjoyable for all, every year we carry out a series of Safeguarding Compliance Visits to ensure that clubs are meeting their commitment to protect children, by putting in place suitable policies and procedures and only allowing appropriately qualified individuals to work with young people.

While these would usually take place in person at training sessions or matches, the impact of the COVD-19 pandemic and the measures in place to ensure the safe return of football activity mean that this year we will also be undertaking visits remotely, contacting clubs online to discuss their approach to safeguarding.

Over the coming months a sample of clubs across the county will be selected for one of these checks to help ensure that all coaches:

1. Are listed on the FA Whole Game System
2. Have a valid FA DBS, less than 3 years old
3. Have an in date FA Safeguarding Certification

Safeguarding Compliance Visits are also an opportunity for us to meet and engage with coaches, officials and parents to ensure that all are fully aware of the safeguarding processes in football and know what they should do if they have a concern.

As part of this process we will look for evidence that clubs have all appropriate Safeguarding processes and policies in place, that these are documented and that those involved understand what they are and where to find them.

Samantha Carey, Designated Safeguarding Officer at Hertfordshire FA said:

“Safeguarding is not just about ensuring coaches have the necessary qualifications and DBS checks. While these are important preventative measures, they only form part of the strategy to protect young people involved in the game.

Ensuring that everyone understands the safeguarding processes that are in place is also vital, so that they know where to get help should an issue arise. These visits allow us to engage with clubs across both of these areas.

We know that the vast majority of clubs share our commitment to putting safeguarding at the heart of everything that they do and are keen to show how they are creating a safe environment for young people to be able to enjoy playing football.”

For further information about safeguarding in Hertfordshire football please call Samantha Carey on 01462 650215 or email

Safeguarding at Hertfordshire FA

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